– also a part of my project TIME, TRANSITION, AND TRANQUILITY
Probably self-evident, but I do love stones! Be it the gemstones in my jewelry or regular sea-washed beach stones ('fjærstein' as we may say in Norway). I'm the kind who always comes home after a hike 2 kg heavier with pockets full of stones. The attraction somehow has to do with the sense of eternity - the stones have always been there as silent witnesses to history- and they will definitely survive us - but not unchanged. There are signs of weathering and transformation. Studying stones is a reminder of how powerful and influential the environment can be. Despite rock-solid substance and resistance, natural forces roughen, crack, tumble, and polish - and shape them into just different beauty. It's very symbolic and there is something enchanting with stones. Terje Nilsen, one of my favorite Northern Norwegian poets and musicians described it excellently when he sings; "kvær og ein et støkke poesi" - translated; every stone is a piece of poetry. Indeed. Let's see where this project will take me. Right now I consider it a study or sketching In light, structure, and perspective.
Stay tuned!
As a photographer for more than 25 years, I've been working mostly with documentary photography for Humanitarian Organizations National and International, published in magazines, newspapers and books as well as art photography - resulting in traditional exhibitions as well as touring exhibitions for years with The Norwegian Culture Department. For me, photography has been my tool to tell a story - big and small - with the aim of triggering emotions, thoughts, and questions - to appeal to the viewers' feelings and make the viewer relate - in their own way. My former documentary photography is mostly based on very personal stories - small stories in a bigger picture - individual stories that hopefully illuminate the value of every single life. Most stories have been stories of political unjust in the hope of contributing to Change.
Today, my ongoing photo-projects which will be published here on Felíni are not very political. This time I'm trying a different approach to contribute to Change. To say, we all have various curve balls life throws us - but as 'Smarty Pants' Albert Einstein once said: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” We can choose to turn limitations Into new possibilities. So for the time being I'm taking my photography closer to home. I will use it as a tool in my study of beauty and maybe universal essence if you like. And oddly enough, I start with portraying Stones. See more about the project to the left. Hopefully, my closer to home photography together with my jewelry will give me a new chance to contribute to causes I find important. My new approach is; If you like what you see and you buy it, both you and I will contribute to Change - since a substantial part of the profit will benefit a charitable project. Read more about Felíni Charity Project here.